Journey into the Divided Heart Book and Seminars
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Journey into the Divided Heart is a must-read for anyone looking for true and long-lasting life changes! It is also a well-known, role-defining text for counselors and pastors who are looking to integrate cutting-edge clinical counseling with an unwavering faith-based, non-religious approach to working with the brokenhearted. Perhaps you’ve been attending counseling for years and need a roadmap of your heart to know how to go deeper – or maybe you’ve never sought outside help, and this book can serve as the doorpoint for a whole new world in finding the love, joy, and peace that Jesus wants for you. Either way, you know there are fears, insecurities, and emotional blockages that have kept you from living truly free – you’re tired of it, and you want more! Journey into the Divided Heart is a guide to help you on your path to true emotional freedom by leading you Biblically and experientially into true wholeheartedness!
We all have unresolved pain and multiple layers of self-protection called defense mechanisms that lead us towards addictions, anxiety, depression, every mental health symptom, and especially relationship difficulties. This book will give you the tools you need from both a clinical and spiritual perspective to work out your journey to becoming truly free by learning to overcome these defenses and to have an uninhibited and intimate connection to God, self, and others. The resulting peace, love, joy, reconciled marriages and relationships, and sense of positive Christ-centered identity, is the fruit of your journey into the divided heart and will come to you as you lay down your means of self-protective after realizing that they have become your prison, not your protection.
I am honored to have Father Andrew Miller from HeartSync Ministry to have written two amazing chapters in this book also, to explain the theology of the “divided heart” and to share the most concise description in written form today of his inner healing model called HeartSync Prayer Ministry. Journey into the Divided Heart is endorsed by Tim Clinton and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), and this book also includes endorsements and amazing cutting-edge content from other key leaders in heart healing, along with real-life testimonies of heart healing for each defense mechanism that is taught.
“I believe that all of us have a divided heart to one degree or another. As such, this book is not only for those who find themselves seeking healing for emotional pain, but it is also for those reading this book cover and thinking that they do not need it! Steve provides a lens for examining one’s heart and healing through an experiential and wonderful relational connection with God. His book contains a very practical guide to exploring how we protect our own hearts and thereby block our healing and a wholehearted love of God rather than ultimately allowing God to be our protector. Steve then takes a fresh look at biblical interventions and other suggestions that can be a huge help to anyone on this journey.”
– Rev. Canon Andrew Miller, LCSW, Director of HeartSync Ministries
“Journey into the Divided Heart is about a critical life journey into the emptiness and brokenness of our day. Steve knows that our emotional freedom, one of our greatest needs, is anchored in relationships, both with God first and foremost and with those we hold close. Get the relationship piece right and you will be blessed… get it wrong and you will hurt.”
– Dr. Tim Clinton, President, American Association of Christian Counselors
“Journey into the Divided Heart creates a warm and thoughtful invitation into life-changing relationship with God and people. We tend to want either private healing with God or human connections with others. Steve Fair combines the love of God and the love of people into one way of life and transformation. “
– Rev. Jim Wilder, PhD, Shepherd’s House/Life Model Works
“Steve does an excellent job of unpacking and simplifying complex emotional issues and pain to help you identify the reason we struggle to overcome them. He then guides you through the practical process of turning these issues over to God for true healing, which goes far beyond our own efforts and limited understanding.”
– Bob Dutko, Christian Radio Talk Show Host
“As a leader in the faith community, I believe the message in this book is vital for people to hear, understand and apply to their lives. We all have to deal with difficult times. Most of us don’t do it well. This book provides the key to supersede the negative defense mechanisms and thought patterns we often turn to. By recognizing that Jesus Christ is the foundation to build on, the healing process can begin and ultimately bring transformation to one’s life.”
– Rev. Dr. Thomas J. Seppo, DMin, Executive Director, Operation Transformation